My fangs arrived! Well... Too bad they suck (no pun intended.). They come with 4 little capsoles of powder and a little bit of liquid to make a paste. It took at least 2 capsoles each fang, and one messed up so it doesn't even fit and I have nothing to fix it with, because I used up the "Extra" paste. The fangs themselves are cool, not unnaturally white. One fits and I like it. The paste tastes horrible. Well, off to the store to go buy food... And denture paste.
Fangs...want fangs...Because only one works maybe just wear that one at the front of your mouth and be the one fanged vampire? :P
Ugh, I have to order a new molding kit. Sigh...
I think I just psychically recieved the title of Steph Meyer's next book:
Also, I seriously need to get some fangs. Am trying to find a nice pair that actually stay on my teeth, are not yellow, and will not bankrupt me. :-/
The ones from VampFangs were actually nice- Just slightly off-white, so it looked natural. Found out the problem was my left fang-tooth is crooked. They also have RETRACTABLE fangs. But, its probably not a good idea to take my advice on this, I buy far too many stupid things...
Aha, you used VampFangs - that's the same store I've been lurking on! Brilliant, I will order as soon as that pesky paycheque lands in my bank this month. ^^
Cheers, m'dear.
Try not to buy everything they sell. (Its hard...)
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